Researcher, Educator, & Clinical Psychologist
Research Impact
Policy citation

November 2023
The Queensland Law Reform Commission cited Dr Doyle's team's research (Havighurst et al., 2023) on why the laws on corporal punishment should be changed in Australia in the their Review of particular criminal defences: Background Paper 1 (pages 11 and 18) and Review of particular criminal defences: Domestic discipline information sheet (Version November 2023) (pages 2 and 11).
Policy citation

2 December 2022
VicHealth (Victoria, Australia) cited Dr Doyle's team's research (Lechowicz et al., 2019) on page 29 (with full reference provided on page 49) of 'Evaluating the VicHealth ‘Healthier Masculinities Partnership Grants’: the Human Code – beyond gender expectations in the Macedon Ranges - final report'.
Policy citation

1 January 2022
The Public Health Agency of Canada cited Dr Doyle's team's research (Lechowicz et al., 2019) on page 1 of 'How to support and include dads'. The Public Health Agency of Canada also issued this in French under title: 'Comment soutenir et inclure les papas?'